Myofascial Release/Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy has become a generally accepted form of treatment in medicine, physical therapy and massage over the last few years. Massage therapists are able to work in a highly effective manner using thumbs, elbows, and braced fingers to create an ischaemic compression.

A trigger point is a hyper – irritated area in muscle that, when compressed is locally tender and creates referred pain. Trigger points can occur in muscles, ligaments, skin fascia and periosteum.

An active trigger point is quiescent with regard to referred pain but is tender on palpation. Given the right emotional or physical events, the trigger point may become active.

Trigger points are believed to be caused by overuse of a muscle, physical traumas (sports injury, car accident, fall etc.), alcohol or drug abuse, difficult (forceps) birth, long term emotional stress, dietary deficiencies and a host of other causes.

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

By Malcolm Calcutt / November 23, 2013 / 0 Comments

In recent years trigger point therapy has become a generally accepted form of treatment in medicine, physical therapy and massage. While medical doctors rely on injection and physical therapists on spray and stretch with vapocoolants, massage therapists are able to work in a highly effective manner using thumbs, elbows, and braced fingers to create an ischaemic […]

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