Massage for Back Pain

A recent 5 year study in the US concluded that traditional approaches of bed rest, surgery and traction are in general, overused. The British Medical Association agrees with Canadian and US research, that mainstream medical methods tend to treat symptoms and not the cause.

Their findings discovered that between 70 and 90% of all back pain is caused by muscle spasm:

A herniated disc – the traditional explanation for back pain accounts for ‘less than 5%’
About 1% if those with back pain actually require surgery
90% of back pain is not caused by damage to the spine and vertebrae, is not caused by bulging, slipped or herniated discs, is not caused by tumours or any other dire diagnosis but simply by muscles in spasm.
As any healthcare professional will tell you, there can be many sources of low back pain involving vertebrae, intervertebral discs and nerves. They will all point out some of these problems on your x- rays, surgeons will be delighted to operate on you for them and others will be more than happy to manipulate them for you.

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